🌸 What I mean when I talk about MAGIC 🌸 Plus, IG LIVE Intuitive Ritual & Readings coming soon

Hello friends,

Right now, I am looking out my windows at a lush sea of green leaves, a veritable wall of foliage. After two rainy years, my garden is an explosion of orange and yellow nasturtiums, magenta bougainvillea, and red fairy dusters. Butterflies and bees are everywhere and baby bunnies and squirrels are bouncing about. I feel embraced by Spring. Every morning, I step outside for a moment and touch the flowers and leaves, delighting in the presence of my local Nature Spirits.

I find myself incanting the last line from Mary Oliver's Wild Geese poem: "Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting — over and over announcing your place in the family of things."

Yes, Spring is calling to me and reminding me of my place in the family of things and it is a gentle healing balm to any feelings of separation and loneliness.

Another Mary Oliver poem, "The Summer Day," comes to mind when I think about how focusing our awareness fully on something brings it to life.

"I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, which is what I have been doing all day. Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

The very famous and oft quoted last line is commonly misused as a motivation or even urging to DO something or accomplish something. While I am not against doing or accomplishing, this poem points to the beauty of slowing down, lingering in idle moments, and really being with and receiving the magic of our world.

Our attention and awakened presence allows us to tune into and maybe even co-create the magic. When we gaze at a flower and open our being to its being, that flower seems to come to life. It speaks to us in a secret language beyond words. There is a beautiful dance between our soul, our imagination, and nature. This sacred communion is the MAGIC.

Even when I am referring to magic in terms of manifestation or ritual, really it is this deeper magic of connection that powers everything. Crafting and performing a ritual offers a portal into that heightened state where everything comes to life in the glowing spotlight of our attention and imagination. We become aware of the web of consciousness and are able to exchange energy, messages and healing along those threads of connection.

For me, manifesting is NOT a wish-granting machination where I have a desire and the world responds with that very thing. It is not my will being imposed upon nature. Yes, I begin with a honest desire, a wish, but then I let it go into the web of consciousness. Nature and Spirit dance with my desire, my imagination and my soul. A doorway to connection, communion and intuitive guidance opens. I may be changing the world around me but mostly, I am being changed.

Often times, I think more than half of manifestation is simply that I change enough so that I can finally see that what I'm wishing for is right in front of me and I can actually have it. Magic helps us to awaken, to widen the lens of our perception, to receive our experiences fully, to expand and grow. We may not always get exactly what we want, but this deeper magic is always there for us no matter what.

This co-creation, this dance, our relationship with the family of things is truly magical.

As all humans do, I feel disappointment when my desires aren't showing up as I hoped they would. In those moments, I may even feel like giving up on magic and accepting my fate as a leaf tossed about on the cold winds of chaos and indifference.

Yet, it is precisely during those times that I most need to lean into this deeper current of magic. Something as simple as focusing on a flower and opening up to her beauty can remind me that I am weaving this story with nature. I don't control nature and nature doesn't control me. We speak with each other. We influence each other. We commune and dance together.

This knowledge softens my edges and loosens my attachments. As I allow myself to be changed, the world sparkles and shifts with the same magic that runs through everything.

I created my oracle and altar art decks to help you awaken to this very magic within you and all around you. A single oracle card drawn, contemplated and received into your heart can transform a mundane moment into one alive with magic. At any point in your day, I welcome you to draw a card and walk through this portal. I will be on the other side, my eyes meeting yours, sparkling, as we knowingly smile across this divine web of consciousness.


INTUITIVE RITUAL & READINGS on Instagram Live with Nicole Piar and Katya Rudneva

WHEN: Next Thursday, May 16th at 6pm PDT

I will open this free online event with a meditation and then a simple ritual and offerings to the nature spirits that we will do together. Next, I will do a collective reading using my Spirit Cats and Witch Cats Oracle Cards for you all. We will then open the floor to questions and Katya will intuitively channel personalized guidance for you.

What to bring:

  • Something to use as an offering to the nature spirits. This can be a candle to light, an incense to burn, a piece of food or a drink, an herb or flower, an essential oil, a mist, or really anything you feel drawn to use as an offering.
  • A question or a life area that you would like to receive some intuitive guidance around.

How to attend: Follow me on Instagram @ghostkittenart, visit my profile at the date/time of the live, click on my profile pic.

If you can't attend live, I will share the replay with you all as long as no tech glitch gremlins eat it up.

Hope to see some of you at the live!

With winks and love,


P.S. I know last week in my Moon Letter I promised to share my 3rd revelation from my Total Eclipse adventure as well as an update on my Wander Kittens mini travel decks and sets but this message really wanted to come through right now. I will pick up that thread in my next Moon Letter. Until then, much love and magic your way.



Hello, I'm Nicole Piar, creator of the Witch Cats Oracle Deck, Spirit Cats Oracle Deck and the Cosmic Allies Deck.


My upcoming Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks launch on Kickstarter on October 1st, 2024. SIGN UP TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN I LAUNCH.​


Thank you for connecting with me here in my weekly Moon Letters where I share rituals, practices, revelations, healing messages, and my creations. I appreciate your presence. Much LOVE and MAGIC your way!


Subscribe to Nicole Piar, artist & oracle deck creator