That Time I Predicted the Future 🔮🕰🔮

Digging through some musty boxes of childhood memories that my mom had stored away, I uncovered a book I had written as a third grader called "The Land of Pufflewillows." I clearly remember writing and illustrating it and being so enamored with the fantasy world I was crafting. I remember that there were lots of cats, crystals, and Pufflewillows which I described as "fuzzy balls with wings" but I did not remember the exact story.

As I read it, I realized there were quite a few uncanny overlaps with my present life and what I had written in this book. Had I unknowingly predicted my future? Had I manifested a future that mirrored this fantasy story because it was something I deeply wanted without even realizing it at the time? Had I simply kept reaching for the passions and people that felt like they were calling to me and it lead to a future that resembled this story because this story thrilled and enticed me even then? Was this just the first seed of my passions and desires that would develop into a wild garden over the next four decades?

A few days later, I was canoeing on the pond near my mom's house with my best friend, Katya, the early morning mists glistening in the sun. We stopped paddling for a while and let the breeze carry us in silence. Our canoe spun to face the wetlands. A tiny maple with the first red leaves of autumn swayed gently. The white waterlilies moved around us. A blue heron flew low out among the cattails that had gone to seed in a sea of tawny fluffs.

As we drifted along, I felt time opening up, like a part of me had always been on this canoe watching the cerulean sky and the quivering leaves and a part of me would always remain there forever and ever. Linear time collapsed into the infinity of the present moment. Maybe all moments are always existing and overlapping and my Pufflewillow story was just resonating, vibrating in harmony, with my present experiences.

There is a sample in one of my favorite trance mixes that says "What is time? And for that matter, what is space?" I often repeat this to myself when I feel the vast Mystery infusing everything.

While the synchronicity of my future-predicting childhood tale shocked me into a magical awake-ness, it also carried many other validating and healing messages for me as well. I think that is why it resurfaced when it did.

For instance, in the beginning of the Pufflewillow story, a little girl discovers a crystal that shows her visions. She paints these visions with a magical brush and the paintings become portals that one can step into. This is such a beautiful poetic rendering of my creative process. The crystal is my mind when I am open, receptive, and channeling. My mind in this magical state is the crystal that shows me visions which I then paint in a ritual space. Each painting opens up a world to me. It is a portal into a specific feeling that one can enter just by looking at it. That is why my art lends itself to oracle decks because each painting is an invitation into a felt experience that can shift your perception and mood.

When I started painting my Spirit Cats, a world of Spirit Cats came into being. It became a place in my imagination that I could visit. I would open the door to that world and a new Spirit Cat would tiptoe through. It didn't feel like I was creating the Spirit Cats. It felt like I was meeting them where they always existed, beyond time and space, in our inner world.

When my partner saw me reading "The Land of the Pufflewillows," he exclaimed, "Oh that's where you get that from... Oh, wait, you wrote that book?" He first thought the book was what inspired my present day proclivities but really I was the author and origin of the book. Perhaps, though, I was never truly the origin. Perhaps, the Land of Pufflewillows existed somewhere out in a dreamy field alongside my Spirit Cats and really it was this magical, timeless place that I was always drawn to and that was drawn to me again and again.

With love and magic,


P.S. If you want to decorate your time with magic and meaning, I have created the Spirit Cats 2025 Moon + Sun Calendar just for you. The first 222 people to pre-order will receive an exclusive free gift that isn't available in my shop.

Don't forget to check out my Dream Cat Pin Pre-order as well before it ends on Tuesday, September 10th.

Dream Cat Enamel Pin ~ Pre-Order ends Sept. 10th​



Hello, I'm Nicole Piar, creator of the Witch Cats Oracle Deck, Spirit Cats Oracle Deck and the Cosmic Allies Deck.


My upcoming Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks launch on Kickstarter on October 1st, 2024. SIGN UP TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN I LAUNCH.​


Thank you for connecting with me here in my weekly Moon Letters where I share rituals, practices, revelations, healing messages, and my creations. I appreciate your presence. Much LOVE and MAGIC your way!




Subscribe to Nicole Piar, artist & oracle deck creator