✨Shootings Stars, Crickets and Mermaid Life✨

Hello friends,

I am writing to you from the edge of a little pond in New Hampshire with a golden half moon shining across the water. Last night, my partner and I canoed into the center of the pond and watched shooting stars of the Perseids and listened to the loons, crickets, frogs, and coy wolves. We just let the boat drift and relaxed into the wild night. The nature here will always feel like home.

Earlier this summer, I wrote to you about some of my recent "Dizzying Highs and Terrifying Lows" where I explored holding the full spectrum of my emotions and experiences and all their entailing paradoxes in the wide embrace of compassion.

When my dear friend and therapeutic intuitive energy healer, Natasha Levinger, read my newsletter, she instantly replied and let me know that she was synchronistically writing about the same topic in her substack newsletter, "Coming Home."

When I read her newsletter, I knew I had to share her technique for staying connected to a larger, loving, warm presence while experiencing difficult emotions. It is natural to want to shy away from or numb ourselves from these feelings but she offers a way to both feel our feelings so they may move through us and release while feeling safe and held.

So with her permission, here is the excerpt from Natasha's Coming Home newsletter:


  1. Affirm you want connection to those feelings
  2. Close your eyes and put your hand on your heart
  3. Imagine your aura getting bigger around you. If this is not intuitive, try imagining your energy getting bigger like someone you admire or how you’ve felt at your most “you”.
  4. Tune in to see what the need is under those feelings. Is it connection, love, validation, to know they are seen?
  5. Invite that feeling into your body/aura. (Here’s a hack: I often think, “How do I feel towards other people who are wanting this?” Or: “What would Mr. Rogers feel here?”) Take time with it and let it fill you up.
  6. Then without trying to fix, hurry or change your inner child or those feelings, bring them in to just be with your bigger aura.
  7. Allow this experience to unfold and let yourself feel whatever comes up. If you need to keep coming back to feeling the bigger aura, that’s normal. You may need to toggle back and forth.

~ excerpted from "Should you give up on finding your purpose?"

I LOVE reading Natasha's newsletter and it is one that I always open as soon as I see it pop into my inbox. This year, I upgraded to a paid subscription to "Coming Home" so I could get all of her guided meditations which I listen to again and again. Her meditations for beginning and ending the day are a perfect blend of energy healing and somatic techniques.

In case you want to know a little more about Natasha, she is a therapeutic intuitive, energy healer and author of the book, "Healing Your Inner Child: Reparenting Yourself for a More Loving Secure Life," which I read, loved and use the techniques from all the time.

I also wanted to thank all of you who came out to CatCon, visited my booth, and purchased my art. I had the most lovely, inspiring, fun time running my booth and meeting everyone who stopped by. It truly warmed my heart and left me brimming with excitement. I will definitely come back to CatCon in the future.

For those of you who could visit in person, here is a pic from my booth. I also posted a little reel from my booth as well on Instagram.

I loved getting to dress up as a lavender and magenta Spirit Cat!


August 27th Pre-Sale 2025 Spirit Cats Calendar with early bird gifts

August 27th Pre-Sale Dream Cat Enamel Pin

October 1st Wander Kittens Mini Decks launch on Kickstarter: Sign up to be notified upon launch on Kickstarter AND read more about this project on my Wander Kittens page.

For now, I am just going to resume my summer life as mermaid and swim for as long as possible in this little pond.

Much love and magic to you,


P.S. Missed Connection! If you are the lovely person who stopped by my CatCon booth and brought your Witch Cats and Spirit Cats Decks for me to sign, I have the Dream Cat Enamel Pin you bought! I tried to chase you down but could't find you in the crowd. You left your pin accidentally at my booth. Write me and I will send it to you. :)

Hello, I'm Nicole Piar, creator of the Witch Cats Oracle Deck, Spirit Cats Oracle Deck and the Cosmic Allies Deck.

My upcoming Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks launch on Kickstarter on October 1st, 2024. SIGN UP TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN I LAUNCH.

Thank you for connecting with me here in my weekly Moon Letters where I share rituals, practices, revelations, healing messages, and my creations. I appreciate your presence. Much LOVE and MAGIC your way!


Subscribe to Nicole Piar, artist & oracle deck creator