✨ Feeling More Abundant with Less ✨

Lately, I have been dipping in and out of a scarcity vortex. There have been some undeniable real world triggers and money has been much tighter than before as I am sure many are experiencing.

I have been receiving the message from my guides to really double down on the resources I already have. I have a back patio with verdant plants, red flowers and ruby-breasted hummingbirds. So I try to spend as much time as possible really savoring the sensual delights of the garden. I have a room solely dedicated to my studio which is something I dreamed of having for nearly 2 decades and it is important for me to consciously absorb and marvel at that manifestation. I have a cute french cafe just a block from my apartment so I come here to write and feel a part of the world.

Your resources may be different from mine but we all have some. Granted when we are money constricted and feeling anxious, it can be easy to skim over these resources because we just want the money! Yet, it is precisely during these times that leaning in to what we have can help us relax and feel more abundant.

And when we are more relaxed, our creativity begins to percolate. Then, we can both see and create new opportunities and solutions with greater ease.

This past weekend, I felt called to do a little decluttering and it actually felt fun and energizing which is a great sign that an action is aligned. I focused on my food, tea, and herb cabinets. After letting go of the items that I will never use or that have long expired, I was able to really see what I had and what I wanted to keep. I felt a wave of abundance and inspiration. My inner plant witch stepped forward and I got excited about blending healing teas again and I had lots of ideas of meals to cook incorporating what was sitting on my shelves.

I realized that decluttering can truly be a way to lean into the resources you already have. Choosing to keep an item brings it to life and puts it back in play. The stagnant energy dissipates. Your environment sparkles under the light of your attention and your love. You get inspired to creatively use the things already in your domain.

Decluttering doesn't have to be am overwhelming task that takes forever to finish. In fact, you are never really done decluttering as it is just a cyclical practice like the waning of the moon when we let go of what's no longer aligned.

If you feel intuitively called to decluttering, don't resist it because you think you have to declutter everything. Tune in and feel if there is a space that feels especially stagnant, chaotic or even annoying. Maybe it is a drawer or. a few cabinets. Give yourself 1 hour and dive in. Keep it simple, light and fast.

Finally, decluttering is morally neutral. It is a magical practice that is sometimes aligned and sometimes not. Don't make yourself bad for having a cluttered space or bad for spending too much time decluttering when you think you SHOULD be doing something else. Out beyond the should's and ideas about being good or bad, our intuition guides us to something unexpectedly needed, healing and magical.

As I stood in my refreshed kitchen, brewing a night time tea with oat straw, lemon balm and tulsi, I felt grounded and abundant in my lush resources in a way I hadn't for quite a while. It was exactly the medicine I needed.

Wander Kittens Oracle Decks Kickstarter

My Wander Kittens Mini Deck project just got approved on Kickstarter. It will launch in September!

You can help me gain some visibility for my project by signing up to be notified on launch on my Kickstarter preview page.

Totoro Art Prints and Limited Runs

Thank you to all of you who decided to bring my Totoro art print into your world. I was thrilled to sell out of them last week.

I am hoping to offer more limited editions art prints though out this year. It isn't feasible to keep a wide variety of art prints in stock but I can definitely do special runs for you all.

If there is an artwork that you would particularly love to have as a print, please feel free to email me.

If there is enough interest, I will plan a special print release.

Testimonials & Reviews

Thank you so much to everyone who wrote testimonials and reviews for me! I am so excited to share them on my website in the near future.

If you are still interested in writing a review and receiving a 10% discount code as a thank you for your time, just hop over to this form before the end of June.

Thank you so much for being here. Hope you have a magical day! I am thinking of you and sending a sparkling wave of luck and abundance your way.


.P.S. If you missed the Summer Gallery of my Art that I share in my Moon Letters last week, give it a peek and revel in the sunshine vibes. Happy Summer Solstice, friends!

P.P.S. Don't forget to sign up to be notified on launch of my upcoming Kickstarter: Wander Kittens.

Hello, I'm Nicole Piar, creator of the Witch Cats Oracle Deck, Spirit Cats Oracle Deck and the Cosmic Allies Deck.

My upcoming Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks launch on Kickstarter on October 1st, 2024. SIGN UP TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN I LAUNCH.

Thank you for connecting with me here in my weekly Moon Letters where I share rituals, practices, revelations, healing messages, and my creations. I appreciate your presence. Much LOVE and MAGIC your way!


Subscribe to Nicole Piar, artist & oracle deck creator