A Very Simple Magical Morning Oracle Card Practice ✨🔮✨

As an oracle deck creator, it is no surprise that I love working with oracle cards everyday and sometimes multiple times a day. Feeling down? Draw a card. Need some inspiration to start a creative project? Draw a card. About to head out dancing and am curious about the energy of the night? Draw a card. Feeling unsettled or anxious? Draw a card. About to spend time with a friend and wondering what to bring to the connection? Draw a card.

It is such a small action that doesn't seem like it will have a big effect. Yet, as I shuffle the cards and take a few deep breaths, as I feel a little sparkle under my fingers from the card that is calling me, as I gaze at the artwork and read the healing words, I always feel a palpable internal shift. The world feels friendlier, a little brighter, a little lighter, a little less lonely.

Recently, I channeled a very simple oracle card practice that I have been doing every morning. It only takes a few minutes and yet, it can shift my perception and experience of the entire day. I wanted to share it with you.

My Very Simple Morning Oracle Card Practice

One caveat, although many of my card practices can be done with an oracle or tarot deck, I highly recommend only using an oracle deck for this practice and preferably one that feels warm and loving to you. While I love the richness of tarot, for this practice, you need to know you will be drawing an uplifting card.

My Spirit Cats and Witch Cats Oracle Decks are the perfect friendly, fuzzy companions for this practice.

  1. Hold the oracle deck in your hands and shuffle it if you wish. Take a few slower breaths. Grow golden roots down into the earth and imagine the crown of your head opening like a moonlit flower to the cosmos, coming into a grounded and receptive state.
  2. Request a card for your day and draw a card.
  3. Take a few minutes to run through the general things you are doing that day. Now, imagine doing each one of those things while incorporating the energy and message of the card. Really tune into the feeling you would have and maybe even some small actions that you could add in that would help you embody the card.
  4. Throughout the day, whenever you switch gears, remember your card, tune into its energy and let it change how you do, perceive or approach the activity.

For instance, this morning I drew the "Protection" card from my Witch Cats Deck. It's a Saturday and my main activities today are exercising, straightening up my home, packing my shop orders and dropping them at the post office along with a few other errands, and creative writing in my garden.

I imagined that while exercising, I would fill my body with a golden light and continually, check in with my intuition and body sensations to guide me in choosing what exercises were most aligned and most safe for me right now.

While cleaning, I would envision a sacred circle of protection around my entire home. I would sweep the floors and de-lint the couch and imagine clearing any stagnant and ungrounded energy from the space.

While packing orders, I would imagine each box being encased in a protective orb of golden light and safely travelling to its destination.

While writing, I would intend to feel relaxed, safe and free to express myself without inner critique. This would feel protective of my creative inner child, a safe space for them to play.

I have found this simple oracle card practice to really influence and elevate the tone of my day. I remember my morning oracle card more consistently and can integrate its message into my moment-to-moment life.

Give it a whirl and let me know how it goes. I would love to hear your stories of how your oracle card inspired your day.

Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks Kickstarter launches in 2 weeks on October 1st at 11am PT!

I can't believe the launch for these little munchkins is so soon. I am so excited to share them with you. I loved writing the new poetic incantations and questions for journalling and reflection for each card. They really give the cards a new dimension that is not in the full-sized decks.

I am also considering adding 2-4 completely new Spirit Kittens and Witch Kittens to each deck as a stretch goal. I have some magical kitty paintings that are pawing at me to be included so we shall see.

Last, I truly can't wait to share the video I made for the Kickstarter. I created sets and costumes and just went all out to illustrate the magical ritual container in which I paint and write these oracle decks and the effervescent joy I feel in sharing them with YOU.

Stills from my Wander Kittens Kickstarter video

Next week, in my newsletter, I will do a walkthrough of all the different creations that will be in my Kickstarter as it truly is a collection of magical things designed to create the purr-fect travel set. This way you can plan what you want to get before the Kickstarter launches.

Thank you so much for being patient as I've brought this project to life. As always, it took longer than I thought it would, but its been a wonder-filled journey and I am so delighted with the result.

With love and gentle night breezes rustling the trees,


P.S. Thank you so much for all your 2025 Spirit Cat Calendar Pre-Orders! I am getting everything ready to be printed and am expecting to mail out your calendars early November along with your Dream Cat Pins. The calendars will continue to be available in my shop until they sell out.

Hello, I'm Nicole Piar, creator of the Witch Cats Oracle Deck, Spirit Cats Oracle Deck and the Cosmic Allies Deck.

My upcoming Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks launch on Kickstarter on October 1st, 2024. SIGN UP TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN I LAUNCH.

Thank you for connecting with me here in my weekly Moon Letters where I share rituals, practices, revelations, healing messages, and my creations. I appreciate your presence. Much LOVE and MAGIC your way!


Subscribe to Nicole Piar, artist & oracle deck creator